Monday, October 25, 2010

+++ DiSsaPoInTeD +++

I know he is so damn dissapointed with me..~
after all he has done..


~ Tuhan aje tau perasaan aku skrg..~

Friday, October 22, 2010

+++ I cAn NeVeR b tHaNkFuL eNuF ~

I wud say he helps me a lot..

guide me without fail..

support me in every way he can..

motivate me whenever im down..

I can never b thankful enuf..~

Saturday, October 9, 2010

+++ ShUd NeVeR b aFrAid +++

Alahai Salihah..ko masih mentah..

masih belum kenal dunia..

makin jauh kau 'menyelam'..

makin perit & sukarnya 'laluan'..

mampu kau bertahan..???

why not..

I shud never be afraid..

Its a blessed to have him around..

but soon enuf..he will choose his own journey..

& me..??

tersalah perahu boleh di undur..

tersalah kata...hmm

dlm x sedar aku meletakkan diri aku dlm tahap bahaya..

igt satu perkara..

kau bukan hidup dgn 'manusia'

kau hidup dgn 'makhluk' 'berbagai rupa'..

~ W.a.S.p.A.d.A ...

Monday, October 4, 2010

+++ ShOw Me tHe WaY +++

~ Jiwaku berbisik..inilah dugaan...

Cekallah hati..